Boother F.A.Q

❓Boother F.A.Q

My group has 3 or more members. Can we apply for one(1) booth?
Sure thing! Groups, circles, or brands with 3 or more creators may apply for one(1) booth, but only a maximum of 2 creators can be present at the booth at all times. 

My friends and I want to booth, but our cash is limited.
Can we pay half first, like AUSG 1, and settle the rest after the event?
Only half of the booth rental is required upfront for all successful applicants.  
The remaining balance will be deducted from net ticket sales' profit-sharing.

Do I need to make any additional payments aside from the deposit after the event?
No, no further payment is required.

What happens if the net ticket sales revenue share is only $5?
RQXL will absorb any shortfall. Booth owners are not required to make additional payments.

Can I make the booth payment first and submit my promotional images later?
Yes! The deadline for promotional images is 2 March.

😊 Have questions? Feel free to DM us or email us at
🤝 We’re happy to help!

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